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Global Communications Network Energy & Technologies (G Com Net) has entertained strategic alignments and professional associations with Lucent Technologies, Comark Technologies, AT&T Long Distance, AT&T Wireless, Voice Stream, Nextel Communications, Sprint, Samsung, the State of Indiana, New York State, the Tagaropulos Group (Supermercado  Reys/Mr. Precio), and most recently, General Electric/Sanyo Energy Corporation.  These relationships are highlighted by the introduction of G Com Net's own brand of products into the global marketplace.

GE/Sanyo Energy Partnership & Distribution

G Com Net Displays its 7-year partnership with General Electric/Sanyo.

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G Com Net Energy




Contact us at 772 771-9278, or click this link to send us an inquiry.
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G Com Net Energy and Technologies is committed to the ethical business practices and fair consumer standards that reflect today’s modern society and its consumer needs. Dedicated  to creating new and future generations of  (enertech) energy and technology end users and products and pairing them as one, G Com Net can be assured  that the bonding experience of their community of products and end users  yield interactive moments that are inclusive,  safe, environmentally-conscious and friendly.  G Com Net is a healthy, balanced, cooperative commercial system that conforms with the true needs of humanity and embraces one of the two company mottos: “ LET US SAVE THE WORLD”.

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